About Us

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Lisa Schaefermeyer, BA, CI & CT
Chief Executive Officer & Owner

Lisa has served as a leader in the interpreting field for most of her professional career as a sign language interpreter. She has served on the National Registry of Interpreters (RID) Board of Directors as Region II Representative; RID Educational Interpreter Committee (EIC) as Co-Chair; Florida Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (FRID) as President; FRID Educational Interpreter Evaluation (EIE) as Chair and has served in a variety of other board and committee positions at the state level. She was honored by her peers with the Distinguished Service Award in recognition of her contributions to the Florida RID and the interpreting community. Lisa was also appointed by Governor Bush as a charter member of the Florida Coordinating Council for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (FCCDHH) and served a full term of 6 years traveling the state to improve services. Lisa is proud to be an alumnus of the University of South Florida, where she received a Bachelor's degree in Sign Language. Her professional career of over 30 years in the Tampa Bay area has provided the experience and knowledge it requires to own and operate Absolute Quality Interpreting (AQI) Services, LLC.

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David Scott
Chief Operations Officer & Owner

David, a US Navy Veteran, has been in video technology for over 20 years. David was recruited to lead the company's growth in video conferencing technology through deployment of video products and services for Fortune 100 clients, U.S. Government agencies and health care & social service providers. David is the Chief Operations & Technology Officer for Absolute Quality Interpreting Services, where he is utilizing his years of experience to AQI's trainings in emergency response & disaster readiness. He volunteered with the Cobb County Community Emergency Response Training (CERT) and is a FEMA CERT instructor. Technology changes rapidly. David's diligence in staying ahead of these new technologies allows him to consider innovative solutions for AQI and to its customers. His ability to communicate in sign language and work with the Deaf community directly makes him an invaluable asset to AQI and everyday he demonstrates how he is changing the Culture of Communication.

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