AQI Services specializes in providing American Sign Language Interpreting services, including both simultaneous and consecutive interpreting services. Simultaneous interpreting is highly recommended for large groups and conference events, while consecutive interpreting is offered for small, non-technical settings such as court hearings, depositions, interviews, medical appointments, and one-on-one settings.
ASL On-Site Interpreting is the traditional means of providing sign language interpretation, where the participants in the conversation and the interpreter are in the same location.
- The need for the physical presence of the sign language interpreter, allowing immediate response to change in the communication settings and dynamics.
- Affords the best opportunity for interaction and incorporation of subtle visual cues that are critical to the message, but might be missed remotely.
- This is the best option for assignments that are longer than twenty minutes, involve multiple settings and participants, involve a Deaf or hearing client with limited vision, or occur in a location where technology is not available for Video Remote Interpreting (VRI).
We also offer Oral Interpreting & Transliterating.
Oral Interpreters/Transliterators facilitate spoken communication to the individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and do not use sign language but use speech and speechreading as their primary mode of communication.
The oral interpreter silently mouths sentences to the deaf or hard of hearing person, changing words or phrases as needed, to ones that are easier to speech read. Oral interpreter may also "voice" for speakers who use no voice, or whose voices are difficult for listeners to understand.
*We also can provide foreign languages.
Call us at 813-785-1214 for more information or email us at info@aqiservices.com.